3 Unique Twists on the Bridal Bouquet


   To finish your wedding bouquet you need just one outstanding element. And nowadays this element can be very strange and unexpected.
   1. Grasses and grains. For a wild touch add herbs, grains, and grasses to your arrangement. Pampas grass, bulrushes, think wheat, sprigs of rosemary is quite popular. These interesting textural ingredients add uniqueness and depth to any bridal bouquet with their rustic appeal. If you have a country-theme wedding, wheat and barley look always magic when arranged with fresh elegant lavender and tied with gingham ribbon.
   2. Fruits and vegetables.If lemon and kale and all of their veggie friends are some things you like very much, why not include them in your bridal arrangement? An edible wedding bouquet is a fun and interesting alternative to flowers, and it includes garden-grown veggies, herbs and any fruits. Florists like most of all kale, sage, artichokes, berries, mint and rosemary. Your guests will be very impressed!



  3. Feather. Bridal bouquet with this element looks gorgeous because of the extra texture it has to it is the feather accents. Florists usually fond of pheasant feathers, wild turkey feathers, ostrich, guinea… you name it. But please be ensure that the feathers you use are ethically sourced.


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