The entire wedding industry holds its breath in connection with dramatic reports of a coronavirus pandemic. In social media, for several days there have been heated discussions about the most stressful - what to do and how to solve everything.
We are observing the situation in the country, we hope that everything will calm down soon. We do not recommend to cancel the wedding at all or change the date, you can annex all contracts.
Coronavirus - what is worth knowing about it?
A coronavirus called SARS-Cov-2 causes a disease called COVID-19. Symptoms of COVID-19 infection are fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches and fatigue. The most vulnerable are chronically ill people, those with reduced immunity, including the elderly. We also know that the virus is transmitted by droplet, and at the moment there is no vaccine for it yet.
However, we can defend against it using the same methods that are effective for influenza:
frequent and thorough hand washing - at least 20 seconds (sing Happy Birthday twice - it lasts exactly 20 seconds :))
if you sneeze and cough, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief, throw it away immediately after use, wash your hands or use an antibacterial gel with alcohol concentration above 60%
try to keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters from people who sneeze or cough
try not to touch your face, especially if you were in public places and did not wash your hands
if you observe cough, fever, muscle aches - consult a doctor in a specific institution – the list of who you should contact can be found on your government’s official site.
What to do if the ceremony is fast approaching?
First of all, DO NOT PANIC! Nobody knows what the coming weeks will bring, but everyone should approach the situation carefully. At this moment governments limit meetings in large groups. The restriction applies to marches, demonstrations, religious ceremonies and all assemblies related to the activities of central, local government and private institutions.
Registry Offices operate to a limited extent. Find out what limitations apply to your local office and ask them for advice on when and how to set your wedding during that difficult time.
Take care of your loved ones!
The problem also concerns church marriages, although these are very rarely concluded during Lent, which will last until Easter.
Weddings are planned for months and even years and it is difficult to cancel such a ceremony at the last minute. Already, young couples with dates for the wedding even in June are wondering if their celebrations will take place.
Do not cancel, try moving the date. It's important to enjoy this most important day without the virus spectrum. In the current situation, autumn may not be such a bad idea.
Service providers in the light of viral events should approach the topic flexibly, in fact, we are all in a similar situation. In addition, we are united by fear for the wellbeing of our loved ones.
Be health and remember #stayathome!