What you need to get married in Mauritius – Legal requirements


According to the document stated by  Embassy of  the Republic of Mauritius there is possibility for registration marriages both citizens and non-citizens of Mauritius.  In both cases certain documents are required. As follows:

Marriage of a non-citizen to a citizen of Mauritius

The non-citizen should have resided in Mauritius for a continuous period of at least 7 days before publication. The publication of a proposed civil marriage between a non-citizen and a citizen of Mauritius is made only at the Central Civil Status Office in Port Louis. The civil marriage shall take place at the central Civil Status Office after a period of 10 days as from the date of publication. Two witnesses are required to be present at time of the marriage ceremony.

Documents to be produced for non-citizen

v Passport

v Birth certificates

v Divorce documents if applicable.

v A certificate or certificates issued by the competent authorities or his/her country of residence attesting that he/she is of good character and is not the suspect in relation to any pending criminal proceedings, investigation or process. However, in case his/her country does not issue certificates of good character, the non-citizen can produce instead an affidavit certifying to the matters as specific above, sworn and duly authenticated in accordance with the law of his/her country of residence.

 v An affidavit sworn before the Master and Registrar of the Supreme Court of Mauritius, as well as a certificate from his/her country of residence, attesting that he/she is in gainful employment or, alternatively, has sufficient means to maintain himself/herself; and

v Medical certificate attesting that he/she is not suffering from any infections or contagious disease. v Both parties should disclose to each other whether they are HIV positive or have AIDS. (All documents to be submitted in original copies and duly authenticated)

Documents to be produced for Mauritian citizen

v Birth certificate issued within the last three months.

v Divorce documents, if applicable.

v Certificate of citizenship, if applicable.

v Death/marriage certificate(s) if widow/widower

v National Identity Card

Marriage of two non-citizens

Application for a certificate of non-citizen/non-resident should reach the Central Civil Status Office, 7th Floor, Emmanuel Anquetil Bldg., Port Louis at least one month before the intended date of marriage. The civil marriage may be celebrated after one day of publication. On their arrival in Mauritius, the parties should call on the Registrar of Civil Status, Central Civil Status Office for verification of original documents.

Documents to be forwarded

 v Two photocopies of each birth certificate drawn up in English/French.

v Two photocopies of each passport.

v Relevant documents in respect of divorce, widow/widower or change of name.

Two witnesses are required to be present at time of the marriage ceremony

Wedding of Foreigners in Mauritius

1. Section 24A of the civil Status Act provides that the marriage of non-citizens and non-residents may be celebrated on the day immediately following the day of publication.

2. The intending spouses should however apply for a certificate of non-citizens/non-residents at the Central Civil Status Office at least one month before the date of their proposed marriage and should submit the following documents:

(i) 2 photographs of each birth certificate drawn up in English of French;

(ii) 2 photocopies of each passport (the 1st three pages only); and

 (iii) Any other documents relating to divorce, widow/widower or change of name.

3. A certificate of non-citizen and non-resident is issued to the parties in Mauritius after verification of their passports. The parties will also be required to swear an affidavit before the Chief Registrar, Supreme Court, before the publication of marriage banns.

4. The marriage is celebrated in the office or in any private premises by the Civil Status Officer of the locality where the parties will reside.

5. You should note that if you are French citizens, you need to contact the French Embassy concerning other formalities.

6. As regards fees for wedding held in the office, no payment is required. If it is celebrated in the hotel or any private premises, a payment of Rs 5000 should be made at the Central Civil Status office.

(a)It is understood that a means of conveyance if so requested by the officer of the Civil Status Division performing such marriage should be provided to and from the private premises in accordance with section 35(b) (ii) of the Civil Status Act 1981.

7. The future spouses may, before their marriage, choose three matrimonial systems which are:

(a)The legal system of community of goods  

The Civil Code provides for a system of legal community of goods – this means that if the future spouses do not opt for a specific matrimonial system, if they marry without stating by what matrimonial system they wish to be governed, they are deemed to have chosen the system of legal community of goods.

 (b)The legal system of separation of goods and property

 Under this system of separation of goods, the husband or the wife retains the ownership of the property which he or she possessed prior to the marriage and those acquired during the marriage. Either spouse may administer such property and dispose of it freely without the intervention of the other spouse as if he/she were not married.

(c) The marriage settlement embodied in notarial deed

Prior to their marriage, the future spouses may have a marriage contract drawn up a Notary Public establishing the matrimonial system by which they wish to be governed and containing all stipulations considered desirable.

 8. According to Articles 25, 35 and 37 of the Code Civil Mauricien, three different possibilities, as regards the use of the “nom patronymique” are available to a marriage women in Mauritius:

 (a) She may take the name of her husband (Art. 25);

(b)She may retain her name (Art. 37); and

(c) She may use her name and that of her husband “à sa convenience” (Art. 37) 4

9. Furthermore, you are informed that you can send your wedding documents by fax number (230) 211 2420.

10. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Office below or the Mauritius Embassy
