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Greg Dotel Photography

Av. Romulo Betancourt, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic,

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Greg Dotel

You may have already guessed it, but I’ll tell you anyway. Photography is my absolute favorite thing in the world. I love to capture that magical moment, which only happens once in a lifetime. Sometimes the electricity is so intense that I come home feeling like I have been robbed a bit. Being surrounded by so much good vibes is just another advantage of my work.

In addition to photographing the ardor between a happy couple, I also love photographing all the carefully planned details of a wedding, as well as those unforgettable moments that simply must be captured on film for posterity. Whether it’s the cascading lace on a bride’s dress, the happy tear in a father’s eye as he walks his little girl down the aisle, the stunning cake that must have taken hours to perfect, or the groomsmen dancing on the dance floor, I love being there to document everything.

Fun fact: I’ve actually been shooting engagement and wedding sessions since 2009. And, like any creative person, I’ve tried to improve my work over time. Not only because I am more familiar with all the ins and outs of my practical camera, but also because I have gained experience in life over the years.



Tags: Santo Domingo, Venues and Event Services, PhotoVideo