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Heverson Henrique Fotografia

SMAS Trecho 03 Conjunto 03 Ed. The Union, Bloco D Sala 305 71215300 Brasília, Brazil, Brasilia, Brazil,

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Heverson Henrique Fotografia

"We are not immortal, but we can be eternal."

That was a phrase that I heard while watching a @cortellaoficial lecture and that marked me a lot for portraying exactly the way I see my life and my work. I am absolutely sure that if I am lucky, I will still live a few more decades, but that if during this life I am not important to those around me and those to whom I render a service, my existence will not have been useful. These photos are from a wedding I photographed last month. They may not say much to you, but they have immense meaning for the bride and groom, friends of the bride and groom's family. And so it is with all weddings. I know that I am not immortal, but I can be eternal in every wedding photo that I deliver, in every wedding album that I produce.

You're welcome to contact us!



Tags: Brasilia, Venues and Event Services, PhotoVideo, Destination wedding photographers