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Imagine Nation Studios

599 Piña Ave, Manila, Philippines,

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Imagine Nation Studios

Imagine Nation Studios is a network of young and creative photographers and videographers in pursuit of excellence and perfection in their field because of their huge love for Jesus. We give our best in every shoot because it is only in doing so that we can glorify God.

Imagine Nation started in 2003, from just 11 weddings on the 1st year, we shot 79 on the 2nd and in 2006 – 165 weddings! This gave inspiration to the idea of an apprenticeship program where photographer’s talent and career will be managed so the photographer can concentrate on shooting. It was also during this year that founder John Mateos Ong met Jesus and pursued a higher purpose than just shooting for passion.

Our mission is to build a solid progressive community of Christ committed followers who will Lead other people to Christ, Equip them with biblical truths and Inspire them to do the same.

We believe that each client (whether birthday, wedding, fashion or corporate) sent to us are not just customers. They are given by God for a purpose and its not just about the service — its about building relationships. For with every shot we take we give a piece of us and every time you are captured in our photo you allow us to be part of that moment in your life — be it sorrow, joy, excitement, pain… We are there to bring Christ in.



Tags: Manila, Venues and Event Services, PhotoVideo