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Marcelo Veras Photography

Brasilia, Brazil,

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Marcelo Veras Photography

I have always been passionate about photography and all kinds of art. I still remember my first photographic camera, which my mother gave me, that pleasant smell of film and the joy of capturing moments.

Photography chose me almost ten years ago, there was no way. She came with everything to occupy a very large space within my heart. It transformed my world, my look and my way of looking at life. Today, my greatest pleasure is to try to touch people's hearts in the same way that it touches mine.

I have a degree in social communication with audiovisual skills from the University of Brasília, I took several technical courses in photography and cinema; I studied fashion photography at Elite Fashion Academy in Milan, Italy and started working professionally in 2011.

In addition to being a photographer, I am a traveler and I combine both passions to record portraits around the world. In 2017 I did a kind of backpacking trip around the world collecting incredible experiences and learning more and more about life. It was indescribable! Some moments like the one I lived should be eternalized. My mission as a photographer is to record the best and most important moments of your life and make you emotional when you remember them.

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Tags: Brasilia, Venues and Event Services, PhotoVideo, Destination wedding photographers